Desk reflections, measuring speaker ports, phase linearization - HEDD Audio Knowledge Bomb Special hedd audio & acoustics insider youtube comments q&a

It's time for another lightning round of answering your questions from the YouTube comments!

So I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. This one's all about the first three video in my series with HEDD Audio.

As usual the video is broken down into chapters so you can jump straight to what...

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Do desk reflection filters actually work? - with HEDD Audio hedd audio & acoustics insider

I don't know about you, but those EQs on the back of my speakers confused the hell out of me for the longest time.

What exactly are they supposed to fix?

Surely a few dBs of high and low shelf can't really do anything useful to correct the response of my room?

Otherwise why would room...

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Do ported speakers make low frequency decay in your room longer (feat. Klaus Heinz)? - with HEDD Audio hedd audio & acoustics insider

Have you ever come across a waterfall plot from a ported speaker?

Here's one:

Source: Senior, M., 2011. Mixing Secrets For The Small Studio. Focal Press.

So not a room measurement, but just the speaker, showing the ringing of the resonance system.

I definitely remember first seeing...

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Studio Speakers: What is phase compensation and do you need it (measurements)? - with HEDD Audio hedd audio & acoustics insider


Oh that dreaded word.

Mysterious, difficult to comprehend, and oh-too-often the escape goat when we don't really know what the issue is..

"It MUST be a phase problem!"

Of course in the real world, phase is just another way to look at time, and it's at the very core of a lot of...

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HEDD Audio: What you NEED to know about speakers for the home studio hedd audio & acoustics insider

January has been a bit slow in regard to new videos. I know..

BUT I'm super happy to finally be able to reveal why:

It's because, behind the curtains, I've been busy starting a brand video new series for you! Possibly the most elaborate project so far!

Over the next weeks I'm partnering...

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Ideal Room Dimensions: Is the golden ratio really that good? setting up a new studio

Have you ever heard of using the golden ratio to pick a size for your studio?

You know. That inherently beautiful constant of nature that seems to pop up everywhere?

Like in sea shells, hurricanes, and even the most famous drum loop of them all, the "Amen Break".

(I kid you not, check it...

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Hybrid Studio: How to combine mixing & recording acoustics setting up a new studio

We keep talking about treating our home studios for mixing purposes.

But of course many of us actually do a fair bit of recording in the same room as well.

So what does that change in terms of acoustic treatment?

What do you focus on first?

How do you approach the problem?

In this...

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Knowledge Bomb #4: Tube traps, plastic wrap, desk selection and more! youtube comments q&a

Better late than never: Happy New Year!

Let's start 2022 with another Knowledge Bomb, answering your YouTube comments questions in a video because I feel guilty that I don't have the time to get in the weeds myself.

As always, the video is broken down into chapters.

So binge the whole...

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In case you missed it.. mix translation & psychoacoustics

If you missed my live YouTube session this past Monday, come check it out!

I hung out with Bobby Balow of Raytown Productions, talking about all things low end translation from a home studio.

From room acoustics to understanding speaker calibration, subwoofers and multi-band compression, we...

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Acoustic Reflections: Does this *thing cause a problem? panel placement & reflections

Have you ever wondered if a certain *thing (insert *beam/pillar/furniture/cubby/screen/etc here) in your room is causing an acoustic problem?

Maybe you've got a bunch of panels up on the wall and you're thinking that the wood frame is actually reflecting sound in a bad way.

Or there's an...

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How to mix in an untreated room with Bobby Torres (Frightbox Recording) mix translation & psychoacoustics

If there's one thing I WON'T tell you in any of my videos or emails, it's that you absolutely HAVE to treat your room.

In fact what I've learned over time is that for most people, just doing the basics is often enough. It's those first few measures that tend to bring the largest benefit.


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Bass Traps: Dealing with bass build up in corners bass traps and low frequency control

Are you dealing with heaaavyyyyy bass build up in a corner or some part of your room?

So when you play some music all hell breaks loose?

And now you're wondering how to best tackle the problem?

Surely that can't be good...

Does this mean your room is particularly bad?

Can you even get...

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