Are bass traps useful in a recording room? bass traps and low frequency control

Let’s talk bass traps and bass trapping in a home studio.

In particular for treating a recording room, to record drums for example.

Are they useful here as well?

Is there any difference in how you use them compared to a mixing room?

The short answer is: no.

Physics stays physics. So if you...

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Bass control in a TINY attic studio real-world case studies

Have you ever thought that your room might actually be too small to do any useful acoustic treatment?

That you can’t really get good sound in there anyway, and that if you tried you might end up “overwhelming” the room somehow?

Well let me show you what is actually possible...

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Music studio made from straw bales? bass traps and low frequency control

Have you ever thought about what a studio made from straw bales would sound like?

Like literally just walls made from straw. Maybe not even a roof on top.

At first glance, it sounds like an intriguing idea right?

My first intuition is that it would feel very controlled and warm somehow.


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Computer Screens: Do they AFFECT the STEREO image? mix translation & psychoacoustics

Are you happy with the placement of your computer screen?

Be honest.

Have you ever wondered if it actually affects the quality of your stereo image, your phantom center?

Like what difference does it make if the screen is actually in front of your speakers, rather than behind them?

And is it a...

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Attic Studio: Do sloped ceilings reduce standing waves? bass traps and low frequency control

Does your room have an angled wall or sloped ceiling?

Have you ever wondered if that could actually HELP with standing waves, maybe by reducing the chance of them happening in the first place?

After all, standing waves form between parallel surfaces. So breaking that geometry should have some...

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Home Studio Acoustics is like an onion. So treat it shotgun style. setting up a new studio

What do onions and studio acoustics have in common?

They're layer over layer and while it might look fine on the outside it might also be rotten to its core.

Unfortunately it's not even that exaggerated.

And if you keep this concept in mind the next time you look at your room's frequency...

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Cheap Bass Control. Is it possible? bass traps and low frequency control

Cheap bass control.

Is is possible?

For us home studio folks, money is always tight.

But we NEED to be able to work with low end properly. We need some way to get that sh*t under control.

We just can’t keep chasing our low end tails endlessly (literally!) on every mix, when we’ve got...

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Knowledge Bomb #7: 60cm Deep Bass Trap, Subwoofer w/o Treatment, SBIR youtube comments q&a

It’s time for another YouTube Comments Knowledge Bomb!

As always, this is where I answer your questions from the YouTube comments.

Of course we’ve got chapters, so feel free to binge the whole thing, or jump to whichever question tickles you the right way first.

02:33 - Redo acoustic...

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"Trust your ears": What does that even mean!? mix translation & psychoacoustics

Maybe you’ve noticed that I finish each of my Youtube videos with the phrase:

“Let’s keep learning to trust our ears.”

But if you’re anything like me, at some point you’ve probably also thought that that’s really dumb advice.

What does “trusting...

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Can a Room Be Too BIG? setting up a new studio

Can a room be too BIG to be a music studio?

We talk about rooms being too small all the time.

With it come the typical problems.

Like standing waves messing up your low end, reflections messing up your stereo image, and in general the lack of space for.. anything really.

But how does that change...

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How much acoustic treatment do you actually need to hear a difference? setting up a new studio

There’s one aspect to acoustic treatment that can be hard to grasp at first.

And that’s just how much of it you actually need to hear a proper difference in your room.

It also doesn’t help that “how the room sounds” is actually a pretty bad indicator of how well you...

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Avoid Studio Desk Reflections: Is it Time for an Upgrade? setting up a new studio

Are you thinking about upgrading your studio desk?

Maybe you’re even toying with the idea of an angled desk to get rid of the desk reflection?

Well, there are some good and some bad reasons to upgrade your desk.

In my opinion getting rid of the desk reflection isn’t one.


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