What Do We Want From A Pro Speaker? (with HEDD CEO Freddy Knop) hedd audio & acoustics insider

There's a question as old as time for us audio engineers.

A question that lingers in the back of our minds and somehow never gets fully answered.

A question that haunts us and robs us of our sleep whenever it pops up.

And so every few years we are forced to go back and face the...

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Subwoofers, Speaker Decoupling, Mixing on Headphones - HEDD Audio Knowledge Bomb Special #2 hedd audio & acoustics insider youtube comments q&a

As I'm about to wrap up my video series with HEDD Audio I want to do another lightning round of answering your questions from the YouTube comments!

As usual I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.

The video is broken down into chapters so you can jump straight to what piques your interest.


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Headphones: How to get consistent mix translation hedd audio & acoustics insider

I'm sure you've had this happen at some point:

It's getting late, you've got a good session going in your DAW, mixing your latest record or working on a production.

You don't want to bother the people around you so you switch to headphones.

Nice and cranked up. Everything is sounding...

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Speaker Decoupling: Why itโ€™s so hit and miss (and when to still do it) hedd audio & acoustics insider

I don't know about you, but whenever people get into lengthy arguments about speaker decoupling, I just want to leave the room.

It's such a pointless debate.

The physics is well known and it's not particularly complicated.

The only reason why there's so much confusion about this, is that...

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Klaus Heinz: Why do speakers sound different when they measure the same? hedd audio & acoustics insider

A quick thought experiment:

Say you compare two speaker systems that go down to around 40Hz.

One is your typical 2-way with a 6" driver.

The other is a massive oldschool 4-way system with double 18" drive units, BUT high-pass filtered to 40Hz as well.

Do you think they'll sound the...

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Subwoofers (Part 2): How to place your sub correctly (in a home studio) hedd audio & acoustics insider

In part 1 of my subwoofer special I showed you what one thing, above all, you should watch out for when picking a subwoofer to match your speakers.

The cat's out of the bag. It was getting phase matching right. You can watch it here.

So now that you've spent all that money on a beefy new...

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Subwoofers (Part 1): Which sub should you get (that works best with your speakers)? hedd audio & acoustics insider

Are you thinking you need some more "oomph" when you're mixing?

The low end just isn't cutting it, and whenever you take your mixes to a bigger system you think:

"Damn, I wish I could hear that bass in my studio.."

So you've been eyeing the different subwoofers on the market. But holy...

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Desk reflections, measuring speaker ports, phase linearization - HEDD Audio Knowledge Bomb Special hedd audio & acoustics insider youtube comments q&a

It's time for another lightning round of answering your questions from the YouTube comments!

So I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. This one's all about the first three video in my series with HEDD Audio.

As usual the video is broken down into chapters so you can jump straight to what...

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Do desk reflection filters actually work? - with HEDD Audio hedd audio & acoustics insider

I don't know about you, but those EQs on the back of my speakers confused the hell out of me for the longest time.

What exactly are they supposed to fix?

Surely a few dBs of high and low shelf can't really do anything useful to correct the response of my room?

Otherwise why would room...

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Do ported speakers make low frequency decay in your room longer (feat. Klaus Heinz)? - with HEDD Audio hedd audio & acoustics insider

Have you ever come across a waterfall plot from a ported speaker?

Here's one:

Source: Senior, M., 2011. Mixing Secrets For The Small Studio. Focal Press.

So not a room measurement, but just the speaker, showing the ringing of the resonance system.

I definitely remember first seeing...

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Studio Speakers: What is phase compensation and do you need it (measurements)? - with HEDD Audio hedd audio & acoustics insider


Oh that dreaded word.

Mysterious, difficult to comprehend, and oh-too-often the escape goat when we don't really know what the issue is..

"It MUST be a phase problem!"

Of course in the real world, phase is just another way to look at time, and it's at the very core of a lot of...

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HEDD Audio: What you NEED to know about speakers for the home studio hedd audio & acoustics insider

January has been a bit slow in regard to new videos. I know..

BUT I'm super happy to finally be able to reveal why:

It's because, behind the curtains, I've been busy starting a brand video new series for you! Possibly the most elaborate project so far!

Over the next weeks I'm partnering...

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