HEDD Audio: What you NEED to know about speakers for the home studio

hedd audio & acoustics insider

January has been a bit slow in regard to new videos. I know..

BUT I'm super happy to finally be able to reveal why:

It's because, behind the curtains, I've been busy starting a brand video new series for you! Possibly the most elaborate project so far!

Over the next weeks I'm partnering up with HEDD Audio to go on a serious deep dive into studio speakers and subwoofers with you.

Perhaps you remember that I upgraded to the HEDD Type20 MK2 back in September. I have not regretted it once.

Shortly after they reached out to me and asked if I was up for a collaboration.

You know how sometimes you just know that you've got a good match?

This was one of those moments.

We quickly came to an agreement, and so here's what's going to happen:

These are still MY videos. I decide what to talk about and what to show you.

But I get access to the entire infrastructure of the company, the knowledge, the people (incl. the O.G. of Air Motion Transformers, Klaus Heinz) and of course the entire product catalogue. And if you've looked at HEDD speakers before, you know why that gets me excited.

This is going to be fun. Insanely fun.

And in the process I hope to show you things I've been meaning to talk about for ages, but just didn't have the capacity to up till now.

Hold on to your hats. Over the next weeks I'm taking you on a studio speaker design rollercoaster.



"How to correctly place your listening position and speakers, no matter what room you're in."

  • Find the correct wall to face in your home studio
  • Optimize the low end and minimize reflection effects
  • Get the distance between wall and speakers right
  • Get a stereo image like on really good headphones

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