Egg cartons are bad for acoustics. But why exactlyā€¦? setting up a new studio

This week I thought I’d cover an acoustic treatment topic that is omnipresent, but I don’t think I’ve ever talked about before.

The gloom and doom of…

Egg cartons!

I think we are all in agreement that egg cartons aren’t acoustic treatment. (right…!?)

And if...

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Knowledge Bomb #5: 1ā€¯ and 2ā€¯ acoustic panels, floor reflection, wood slats and more! youtube comments q&a

It’s time for another YouTube Comments Knowledge Bomb!

As always, this is where I answer your questions from the YouTube comments.

Of course we’ve got chapters, so feel free to binge the whole thing, or jump to whichever question tickles you the right way first.

  • 02:05 - Why...
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Acoustic treatment for voice-over work (vocal booths)

It finally happened. 

You’ve asked a million times. And now it’s finally done.

I sat down with “Booth Junkie” Michael, and we recorded a masterclass on treating vocal booths and acoustic treatment for voice-over work.

It’s all in there, we left nothing...

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Wood slats on top of absorbers? panel placement & reflections

Have you seen those studio pictures lately where people cover an entire wall with wood slats?

Sometimes it’s just on the back wall, and sometimes the entire front wall behind the speakers is covered.

Usually there are gaps between the individual slats, so it’s probably fair to...

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Case Study: Low end treatment in an attic studio (with measurements) real-world case studies

As we’re setting up a new studio in our spare bedroom, basement or attic there’s often this nagging thought of:

“Man, is this really gonna work..?”

The room is SO small. The ceiling is SUPER low. And there are all these weird corners to deal with.

Is it even worth...

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When to use absorption, and when diffusion? panel placement & reflections

Amongst all the voodoo in studio acoustics, I don’t think there’s anything more voodoo than diffusion.

And I don’t mean like with sound crystals. Diffusion does absolutely work.

But amongst the stuff that is part of the standard acoustics toolkit, it’s definitely the...

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Why you canā€™t calculate how much treatment you need setting up a new studio

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an app or piece of software out there that just calculates the acoustics in a room?

You just plug in the size of your room and it spits out where you put absorber panels and diffusors.

Surely that should be possible right?

But somehow that magic...

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If my room is asymmetrical, how does that affect treatment? setting up a new studio

Let me take a bold guess:

Your home studio doesn’t have the optimal, symmetrical shape you’d like.

How did I do?

Yet pretty much all advice you find about treating home studios assumes you are working with a rectangular bunker.

But at the very least, there’s an awkward door and...

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What Do We Want From A Pro Speaker? (with HEDD CEO Freddy Knop) hedd audio & acoustics insider

There's a question as old as time for us audio engineers.

A question that lingers in the back of our minds and somehow never gets fully answered.

A question that haunts us and robs us of our sleep whenever it pops up.

And so every few years we are forced to go back and face the...

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Three studio acoustics effects you will never get rid of setting up a new studio

Have you ever noticed the surprising lack of proper acoustic measurements of pro studios out there?

Sure, there's the odd frequency response buried in a forum thread somewhere, and they pop up on Facebook every once in a while.

But why is it that pro acousticians don't post more...

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Subwoofers, Speaker Decoupling, Mixing on Headphones - HEDD Audio Knowledge Bomb Special #2 hedd audio & acoustics insider youtube comments q&a

As I'm about to wrap up my video series with HEDD Audio I want to do another lightning round of answering your questions from the YouTube comments!

As usual I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.

The video is broken down into chapters so you can jump straight to what piques your interest.


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Headphones: How to get consistent mix translation hedd audio & acoustics insider

I'm sure you've had this happen at some point:

It's getting late, you've got a good session going in your DAW, mixing your latest record or working on a production.

You don't want to bother the people around you so you switch to headphones.

Nice and cranked up. Everything is sounding...

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