Why treat modal resonances below the speaker cutoff? (eg @40Hz)? bass traps and low frequency control

Treating the bass in your studio is hard. 

Especially the lowest octave.

To fully absorb 100Hz you theoretically already need 86cm (2’10”) of porous material depth (¼ wavelength rule).

Of course this is deep in voodoo territory, because what is technically true isn't even...

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Room Modes: ODD Room Dimensions SHAPE Your Sound (And How To Deal With It) bass traps and low frequency control

When was the last time you went down the acoustic treatment rabbit hole only to come out hours later with your brain on fire?

(Or just totally numb, followed by a confused nap..?)

I’m sure that’s what happened to our fellow sound nerd Lucas when he decided to shoot over an email.


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DON’T use ALTERNATIVE (eco-friendly) INSULATION materials! bass traps and low frequency control

You might be surprised to hear that I don’t recommend using alternative or eco-friendly insulation materials in your DIY bass traps and absorbers.

Despite the fact that there are plenty of examples out there of non-mineral wool products that are great at absorbing sound!

And especially, if...

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“I’ve done some treatment, but I need to fix the low end!” bass traps and low frequency control

So I get some form of the following question with a regularity that I could set my clocks by it:

“I've done quite a bit of treatment in my room. I've got my speakers and my gear set up. I'm quite comfortable in the room and I've got enough panels to reduce the reverb and control early...

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Why is low end analysis and modeling so difficult, Andrea Cicero? bass traps and low frequency control

Last week I showed you a new online tool to calculate room modes/standing waves in odd room shapes.

It's called Audieum Model, it's super impressive, and if you missed that video you can check it out here.

As you can imagine, it takes a little more than the basics to put something like this...

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Are bass traps useful in a recording room? bass traps and low frequency control

Let’s talk bass traps and bass trapping in a home studio.

In particular for treating a recording room, to record drums for example.

Are they useful here as well?

Is there any difference in how you use them compared to a mixing room?

The short answer is: no.

Physics stays physics. So if you...

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Music studio made from straw bales? bass traps and low frequency control

Have you ever thought about what a studio made from straw bales would sound like?

Like literally just walls made from straw. Maybe not even a roof on top.

At first glance, it sounds like an intriguing idea right?

My first intuition is that it would feel very controlled and warm somehow.


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Attic Studio: Do sloped ceilings reduce standing waves? bass traps and low frequency control

Does your room have an angled wall or sloped ceiling?

Have you ever wondered if that could actually HELP with standing waves, maybe by reducing the chance of them happening in the first place?

After all, standing waves form between parallel surfaces. So breaking that geometry should have some...

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Cheap Bass Control. Is it possible? bass traps and low frequency control

Cheap bass control.

Is is possible?

For us home studio folks, money is always tight.

But we NEED to be able to work with low end properly. We need some way to get that sh*t under control.

We just can’t keep chasing our low end tails endlessly (literally!) on every mix, when we’ve got...

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Bass Traps: Just keep insulation roll sealed in plastic wrap? bass traps and low frequency control

When you go shopping for insulation material for your bass traps, it usually comes in these big rolls or packs, sealed in plastic.

It’s a pretty convenient package!

Why not just leave them as they are and stack them up in the corners?

That will also keep any fibers from flying around and...

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Is insulation material a health hazard (for DIY bass traps)? bass traps and low frequency control

I’m sure you’ve wondered this at some point or other:

Is it really OK for your health to have all that mineral or glass wool around you in your studio?

Surely that stuff can’t be good for you, right?

I mean, those tiny little fibers must go everywhere.

What actually happens in...

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Bass Traps: Dealing with bass build up in corners bass traps and low frequency control

Are you dealing with heaaavyyyyy bass build up in a corner or some part of your room?

So when you play some music all hell breaks loose?

And now you're wondering how to best tackle the problem?

Surely that can't be good...

Does this mean your room is particularly bad?

Can you even get...

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